
things i have (re)learnt while making this site

5th feb 2025

trying the collapsible div thing again. i can do it!

lol i needed to put the script code in the body, not the head. god, it's been a while since i did this.

difference between grid and inline-grid

the inline-grid will make the element inline, while grid will make it a block-level element

made an easy grid container work, yesssssssssssss

4th feb 2025

i first started learning html/css probably in the early 2000s, when i was using neopets a lot. honestly, there might be a bunch of scientologists involved (??????) but that site was ACTUALLY educational and fun and not full of ads so, like, nothing like the internet is today. anyway, i want this page to make notes as i update this site and re-learn a bunch of stuff i'm sure i knew when i was a literal child.

difference between class and id
a class name can be used by multiple elements on a page. an id name must only be used by one html element within the page. # comes before an id; . comes before a class.

trying to use this tutorial to make collapsible divs on the language learning page, but it won't work T_T